Sexual Health Programs

/Programs/Sexual Health Programs
Sexual Health Programs2023-11-16T15:10:06-07:00

HIV/STI Testing

We offer free and confidential HIV/HCV counseling and testing on-site and throughout the region with our Mobile Testing Unit. If you test positive, we will assist in linking you to a care with LGBTQ+ affirming medical providers regardless of insurance or income status. For more information on STIs, visit: is a 21st century tool to fight STD and HIV infections. This new web platform makes it easy to tell your partner they might have an STD. You might feel awkward, scared, and worried about your partner’s reaction. sends your sexual partner(s) an anonymous text or email notifying them that they might be at risk of an STD and encourages them to get tested. No cost. Completely confidential, Help stop the spread of HIV and STDs.

Schedule your appointment at our Midtown location or Center South location.

Limited appointment slots are available. Schedule your appointment at Marsha P. Johnson (South Sac) or at our Lavender Heights (Midtown) location.

Marsha P. Johnson Center: 7725 Stockton Blvd Suite O, Sacramento, CA 95823

Lavender Heights, Midtown: 1015 20th Street, Sacramento, CA 95811


Creating a region where LGBTQ+ people thrive means supporting your health and wellness. Knowing your status and understanding prevention strategies that work are the keys to protecting yourself, your partner, and your community.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, HIV testing is available by appointment. If you would like to schedule a test, please call (916) 442-0185.

We also offer FREE HIV home test kits.

Your privacy matters. Everything you tell us is confidential — your name, mailing address, and test results. Test kit packages will be unmarked and discreetly labeled. To order your testing kit and to schedule a counseling appointment click here and fill out the online form.

Free condoms, lube, dental dams, narcan nasal spray, and fentanyl strips are available!

Harm Reduction Order Form

Connect with Christi Gray, Director of Health Services
✉ E-mail Christi | ☏ (916) 442-0185 ext. 122

Connect with Aaron Armer, Lead Sexual Health Testing Counselor and Case Manager
✉ E-mail Aaron | ☏ (916) 442-0185 ext. 201

This program is funded in part by the CARES Foundation, Gilead Sciences, the Sacramento County Division of Behavioral Health Services through voter approved Proposition 63, Mental Health Services Act (MHSA), and private community donors. 

Partner Services

Staff are certified to provide partner services for people living with HIV/AIDS to assist in the disclosure of their status to their partner(s). We also encourage partner(s) to be tested and learn how to stay health with their partner(s). For more information on your HIV status, visit:

Sexual Health Education

We provide LGBTQ+ inclusive sexual health education in our youth and adult programs and in partnership with other service providers in the community.

Sex Education digital tools are available here

Living with HIV

Community resource advocates who care will listen intently and strive to help you find whatever affirming resources you need, whether you are looking for mental and physical health professionals, housing, social services, legal aid, or other support programs. We also offer support activities for people living with HIV.

Information on living with HIV

Sunburst Projects is the only local AIDS organization solely committed to addressing the social, emotional, and psychological needs and care of HIV/AIDS impacted children and their families.

Provider Education and Advocacy

Center staff provide education for healthcare providers on how to have culturally affirming conversations about gender specific needs and sexual practices with the LGBTQ+ community members in order to improve patient care and we can share strategies with patients on how to advocate for themselves in healthcare settings.