Center Stories

/Center Stories/

Meet the Grand Marshals for SacPride 2019

We are blown away that we received more than 5,400 votes in the poll to pick this year's Community Grand Marshal! Thank you to everyone that voted and shared the public poll. With such a strong showing, we are pleased to bring you three Grand Marshals this year that each have [...]

Our statement on Goldfield Trading Post Hosting Adam Calhoun and Demun Jones

As Sacramento is preparing to honor the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots and celebrate SacPride the beautiful intersection of people striving for equity of all people, a different group is lifting divisive and hateful voices just blocks away from Lavender Heights on the very same weekend. Goldfields Trading [...]

2019-05-29T08:07:14-07:00By |Human Rights, LGBT Events|

El Centro Comunitario LGBTQ de Sacramento lanza servicios bilingües para la comunidad hispano hablante y miembros Latinx

Para servir mejor a la comunidad LGBTQ+ que vive en la región de Sacramento, en El Centro Comunitario LGBT de Sacramento nos encontramos felices de anunciar el lanzamiento de Latinx Sin Fronteras, nuestro nuevo departamento de servicios bilingües, con una posición de tiempo completo y otra de medio tiempo en nuestro [...]

Meet the Pride Award Recipients

The Pride Awards Gala is fast approaching and we are ready to announce the four recipients for this year's event. You won't want to miss the opportunity to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots. Meet the awardees and get your tickets today! Awardee: Jane Ama Mantey, Ph.D. [...]

Thank You For Being a Part of Big Day of Giving

Big Day of Giving was such a beautifully rewarding 24 hours of raising awareness and funds for our growing organization. Thank you for tuning in and joining us for Big Day of Giving 2019. We can’t thank you enough for your support! Yesterday, you learned about the Center, our [...]

Exclusive sneak peek of our new STEP House on Big Day of Giving!

You're Invited to a "Sneak Peek" of Our New S.T.E.P. House on Big Day of Giving, May 2nd. Join us next Thursday, May 2nd for an exclusive sneak peak of our new 12-bed Short-term Transitional Emergency Program (STEP) service in celebration of Big Day of Giving. The most vulnerable in the [...]

2019-04-26T10:55:27-07:00By |Blogs, Resources|

Lizzo is Coming to SacPride!

Sacramento Pride is proud to announce American rapper, singer, flautist, and songwriter Lizzo as the headlining entertainer for the SacPride Festival on June 9, 2019. The two-day festival is expected to see 18,000+ attendees both local and from nearby regions on this historic 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots.   Lizzo’s musical style skirts multiple genres, [...]

2019-04-27T18:14:15-07:00By |Blogs|

Call to action: Rocklin School District

Rocklin Unified School District (RUSD) School Board will be voting on adopting new textbook curriculum that complies with The FAIR Education Act (SB 48, Leno – signed into law on July 14, 2011) on May 1st and we need your help in supporting the adoption of this LGBTQ+ inclusive [...]

2019-04-18T18:05:56-07:00By |Blogs, Human Rights, Resources|