Public Policy & Community Organizing

/Programs/Public Policy & Community Organizing
Public Policy & Community Organizing2021-04-29T15:46:19-07:00

Making Our Voice Heard

We advocate locally and nationally for policies, funding streams, and cultural change that advance the health and wellness of our diverse community. We collaboratively engage in civic leader education, submit letters of support/opposition, and provide expert testimony before legislative bodies. We also lead targeted media and constituent contact campaigns.

Policy Positions & Education

Social change hinges on the ability to change the hearts and minds of a community and its decision makers. When policy changes or disparities arise, the Center takes positions, provides education to opinion leaders, and responds to media inquiries regarding pending administrative and legislative initiatives.

The Center’s Governance Committee reviews pending policy initiatives that have direct impact on the LGBTQ+ population and makes recommendations to the Center’s board for approval. As a nonprofit organization, the Center can not endorse candidates or engage in direct lobbying, but can conduct, educate, and inform people and decision makers on the impact of pending policy changes or disparities facing LGBTQ+ people and their families.

To request a policy position or to join this team, e-mail the Governance Committee.

Social Action

As a community convener, the Center hosts or participates in community events, rallies and other actions, as well as responding to media inquiries seeking LGBTQ+ reaction to breaking news items.

Most recently, the Center was a partner in the community’s reaction to the Supreme Court’s marriage equality ruling, hosting the viewing party and media conference preceding the rally at the Capital.

The Center has also been a proponent for:

  • Marriage equality,
  • Safe schools for transgender students,
  • Inclusive city-level non-discrimination policies,
  • Greater access to social services for homeless youth, and
  • Holding violent criminals accountable for their actions regardless of the sexual orientation or identity of their victim.

To propose a community event or join our advocacy efforts, e-mail our advocacy team.

Alliances & Task Forces

The Center seeks to build ongoing, permanent relationships for the purpose of applying a collective vision for the benefit of the community and improving the overall quality of life for under-served and marginalized populations.

Rally_EqCA_SpeakerThe Sacramento LGBT Community Center also participates in the following coalitions, committees, and task forces:

  • Building Healthy Communities Youth Engagement Action Team
  • California LGBT Health and Human Services Network
  • Californians Allied for Patient Protection Coalition
  • HIV-Affected Communities Committee
  • HIV Health Services Planning Council
  • Sacramento Homeless Youth Task Force
  • Sacramento Homeless Youth Task Force LGBTQ committee
  • Sacramento Unified School District LGBT Task Force
  • Sacramento City Youth Development Campaign Team
  • LGBTQ Task Force
  • Mental Health Services Community Planning Workgroup
  • UC Davis Medical Center LGBTQI Cancer Health Task Force
  • U.S. Attorney’s Office Hate Crimes Task Force
  • We Help Youth (WHY) Sac
  • Zero Together Coalition (HIV prevention)

To request Center participation on a task force or questions, e-mail our programs team.

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