Financial Transparency

/About Us/Financial Transparency
Financial Transparency2025-01-24T13:30:51-08:00

How Donations Are Used

PieChartThe Sacramento LGBT Community Center is a 501(c)3 charitable organization and donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Our Federal Tax ID is 94-2502229. The Center is committed to transparency and good stewardship of dollars contributed to our mission from all sources.

Click here to make a one-time or monthly donation online.

E-mail Marlena Sanchez | ☏ (916) 442-0185 ext. 112

The following contains specific information on the Center’s finances and stewardship of donor investments.

GuideStar and Giving Edge are two of the nation’s most respected non-profit financial monitoring entities.

gathers and disseminates information about every single IRS-registered nonprofit organization to allow donors to make the best giving decisions possible. GuideStar provides information about each nonprofit’s mission, legitimacy, impact, reputation, finances, programs, transparency, governance, and more.
Learn more about GuideStar
View the Center’s GuideStar profile.

GiveLocalNow’s GivingEdge…
is a powerful resource that connects donors local nonprofit organizations, learn about the impact that entity is making and make donations. Every agency in the GivingEdge database is a partner of GiveLocalNow, a movement to increase local giving.
Learn more about GivingEdge
View the Center’s GivingEdge profile

The following links connect to the Center’s 990, an annual filing required by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). These forms are due six to nine months after the close of an organization’s fiscal year, meaning the most current filing will be for the year prior.