Center Stories

/Center Stories/

LGBT Centers are critically important hubs for our community

October 19th is LGBT Center Awareness Day, a day to highlight the impact of LGBT community centers around the world. This day of action is meant to bring awareness to the public about the work that is done in these centers for tens of thousands of LGBT individuals each [...]

2018-10-19T11:15:00-07:00By |Blogs, LGBT History|

Why ‘Spirit Day’ is important

This is the eighth annual Spirit Day, which was created as a way to show support for LGBTQ+ youth and take a stand against bullying. This month is both National Bullying Prevention Month, and LGBT History Month, so this day is a time to really take time and discuss [...]

Coming Out is a Journey, Not a Destination

It comes as a shock to many when they hear that coming out as LGBTQ is still hard and traumatic for many people, even today. Many are led to believe that the advances in equality and queer visibility have erased the othering feeling and fear that many folks have about living in [...]

2018-10-10T13:24:34-07:00By |Blogs, Resources|

LGBT History Month – Week 2 Icons

Meet More LGBT Historical Figures LGBT History Month is a month-long annual observance of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender history, and the history of the gay rights and related civil rights movements. LGBT History Month originated in the United States, and was first celebrated in 1994, making this year [...]

2018-10-10T10:38:26-07:00By |Blogs, Human Rights, LGBT History|

LGBTQ Training Now a Police Requirement in CA

New LGBTQ Training for Police starts 2019 A new law signed, that Gov. Jerry Brown signed this week, requires police officers to undergo training on sexual orientation and gender identity in order to better deal with minority groups in the state of California. Assembly Bill 2504 requires the Commission [...]

Percentage of youth clients experiencing homelessness now 36%

Sacramento is having a bit of a moment. In the last year, the exodus of transplants that have been priced out of the Bay Area has ignited a slew of new businesses, events, and amenities. We were even featured in an Oscar-winning film (Hey, Ladybird!) But with this change [...]

2018-09-18T11:04:03-07:00By |Blogs|