Center Stories

/Center Stories/

    “A space to breathe.”

    Cody entered our doors desperate to escape the throws of homelessness and violence from living on the street. He wanted more in life - like finding employment, developing a career, improving his communication and social skills, and creating responsible spending habits. More importantly, Cody wanted to overcome his depression, mania, and an [...]

    2021-10-06T11:46:26-07:00By |Uncategorized|

      National Suicide Prevention Week 2021

      This week (September 5-11) is National Suicide Prevention Week, which is nestled in the middle of National Suicide Prevention Month (September). During this time we remind the folx in our lives that we're there for them, to talk, to listen, to hold space for them. The following are skills [...]

      2021-09-10T15:48:58-07:00By |Blogs, Resources|

        Rapid Testing and PCR Testing, what’s the difference and which do I need?

        Both Antigen (Rapid) testing and Polymerase Chain Reaction testing are available at both Center locations in Lavender Heights and Marsha P. Johnson Center South. PCR Testing is available: Mondays at the Lavender Heights Center location from 5-7 p.m. Thursdays at the Marsha P. Johnson Center South location from 12-8 [...]

        2021-09-02T16:59:23-07:00By |Blogs, LGBT Events, Resources|

          Center will Provide Vaccination and Rapid Testing at Sacramento Rainbow Festival

          Center will Provide Vaccination and Rapid Testing at Sacramento Rainbow Festival In a collaborative effort to protect Sacramento’s LGBTQ+ community from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Sacramento LGBT Community Center will host a free COVID vaccination and COVID rapid testing clinic on Sunday, September 5, from 12-6 p.m. during [...]

          2021-09-02T10:45:49-07:00By |Blogs, LGBT Events, Resources|

          SB 258 and SB 272 updates!

          SB 258, Senator Laird. Aging. This bill adds human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) status to the list of noneconomic factors that restrict an individual’s ability to perform normal daily tasks or that threaten capacity to live independently, in the context of greatest social need for services under the Older Californians [...]

          2021-07-26T15:18:31-07:00By |Blogs, Human Rights, LGBT History|

          The National Trans Visibility March is Coming to Sacramento

          a a The National Trans Visibility March is Coming to Sacramento Sacramento chosen as one of five host cities for National march for Trans and Non-Binary visibility. Sacramento, CA – Sacramento has been named one of five host cities for this year’s National Trans Visibility March (NTVM) scheduled for October 9, 2021. In its third year of advancing the rights of [...]

            AB 439 & SB 112 California Legislative Wins!

            The Sacramento LGBT Community Center is celebrating in response to two bills being signed into law. Assembly Bill 439 which adds the “X” gender markers to death certificates, and SB-112 the Budget Act of 2021 which includes funding the Transgender Wellness and Equity Fund at $13,000,000. These two bills will [...]

            2021-07-15T17:35:18-07:00By |Blogs, LGBT Events|

              Supreme Court Decision Reached on Fulton v. Philadelphia 

              SACRAMENTO, Calif. (June 17, 2021) – The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday, sided with Catholic Social Services in a battle that pitted religious freedom against anti-discrimination laws across the country. The court declared that the private Catholic agency was entitled to renewal of its contract with the city for screening [...]

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