LGBTQ History

/Tag: LGBTQ History

LGBTQ History Month – 4 – Harvey Milk

Politician, business owner, activist, and gay man: Harvey Milk did it all. Today, San Francisco is known as one of America’s most predominantly Proud cities. NYC may have Stonewall, but we have Castro Street. And Harvey Milk opened a camera shop on Castro in 1972 after moving from the [...]

2022-10-24T15:44:15-07:00By |Uncategorized|

LGBTQ+ History Month – 1 – Alan Turing

ALAN TURING The father of computers and artificial intelligence itself was gay, and thus subject to unjust laws that had a profound effect on his personal and professional life. Homosexuality remained a crime in England until 1967, which was too late for Alan Turing. He created brilliant works in [...]

2022-10-17T17:38:44-07:00By |Uncategorized|