Job Descriptions

/Job Descriptions
Job Descriptions2019-02-07T14:35:22-08:00

Staff Positions…

No staff positions currently are open at the Center.

Volunteer Leadership Positions…

The following list the roles and backgrounds desired for volunteer positions at the Center. To apply, contact the person listed with each job description.


  • Updates the contact information for the records in the Center’s database.
  • Follows up with the Center’s contacts, as necessary, to clarify information about their account.
  • Additional database tasks as assigned.


  • Ability to easily maneuver the internet. Experience in a database environment plus.
  • Quick learner that is able to complete tedious tasks but also enjoys a challenge.
  • Must feel comfortable asking questions!

To apply, ✉ e-mail David Heitstuman.


  • Writes thank you notes to donors.
  • Calls donors to thank them for their contributions.
  • Calls Center contacts to request a donation.
  • Additional tasks as assigned.


  • Excellent customer service and a comfort with communicating over the phone.
  • Neat handwriting and willingness to write many notes one after another.
  • A love for the Center you want to share with others!

To apply, ✉ e-mail David Heitstuman.

Ever wanted to help plan one of the Center’s marquee events?

The Center needs diverse talents to keep our events growing, relevant and dynamic. Everything from marketing, sponsorship solicitation, greeting patrons at the door, decor, entertainment, food & beverage and volunteer staffing all require leadership from the committee.

Current Committees:

  • Mama’s Making Bacon Drag Brunch (March)
  • Capital City Pride Festival and Parade (June)
  • Pride Awards (Summer)
  • Red Dress Party (October)


  • Attends regularly scheduled committee meetings.
  • Takes leadership on a specific element of the event.
  • Designs and implement timelines, budgets and other tools to ensure that area succeeds.


  • Familiarity with a specific aspect of an event.
  • Grace under pressure.
  • Understanding of collaboration and team dynamics.
  • Desire to work independently away from the Center.
  • Attention to detail, planning, and supervision of volunteers.

To apply for the Pride Festival committee,  ✉ e-mail Kelli Hannaford.

To apply for the Making Bacon, Pride Awards or Red Dress Party committee, ✉ e-mail David Heitstuman.

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