For the past 14 years, LGBTQ+ people have proportionately voted at lower rates than non-LGBTQ+ voters. It’s our elected officials who will approve education, employment, and health care bills that affect our communities. They will determine how to use the census data to influence the resources we need in our community.
This year, join us at the polls. Join our community and fight for an affirming, queer-inclusive world.
Let’s #QueerOutTheVote for the 2020 Presidential election on November 3, 2020.
Did you miss the voter registration deadline? It’s not too late to register at your local polling place! Register to vote TODAY!
- Drop it off in the mail! It can only be accepted if it is postmarked on or before Election Day and received by our office within seventeen (17) days after Election Day
- Drop it off at any Ballot Drop Box location
- Drop it off at any Vote Center
It’s easier than ever for voters in Sacramento County to turn in their ballots. All registered voters receive a ballot in the mail – and postage is prepaid, so voting is as simple as putting an envelope back in the mail. For more information visit elections.saccounty.net.
November 3: Presidential General Election
The County of Sacramento is one of the first five counties in California to implement the Voter’s Choice Act, expanding voting opportunities for all residents. Learn more about the Voter’s Choice Act.
This year will be an election like none other. If you are choosing to vote in person or want to drop off your Vote-By-Mail ballot, make sure you know where your nearest polling place and ballot drop off locations are.
Please remember to wear a mask and practice safe social distancing if you are choosing to vote in person.
Interested in being a poll worker? Poll workers are vital to any election. Historically poll workers have been mostly older citizens aged 61+, but this year they are at considerably higher risk of COVID-19 and many are unable to volunteer. If you are not in a high risk group, consider signing up and helping keep as many polling places open as possible!