Participate In LGBTQ+ Research Studies
Data collection is crucial to understanding what LGBTQ+ people need, where the gaps are, and where resources should be deployed.
One way to reduce health disparities, improving the economic well being, and providing life-enriching experiences for LGBTQ+ individuals and their families is to identify specific issues and solutions through the gathering of empirical data. The Center will post links to studies when it believes the study examines an important topic for examination and the privacy of participants will be protected.
The Center does not qualify, sponsor, make an endorsement of, or compensate for any study listed below.
Approved LGBTQ+ Research Studies
There are no current studies.
Have a Study?
To have your study posted on this web site, send the following information to
- Name of study
- Brief description
- Date the study ends
- Link to your study
- Copy of your Human Subjects Review approval