Black Trans Joy (Thursday 2/17 @ 12 p.m.)

//Black Trans Joy (Thursday 2/17 @ 12 p.m.)

Black Trans Joy (Thursday 2/17 @ 12 p.m.)

Join Aaron Armer and Elizah Claborne as they Discuss trans women throughout history to connect their experiences to the present by having a casual, cross-generational conversation between to people of the Black, Trans experience and to recap Trans Family Day and the importance of chosen family. This workshop will be streamed LIVE on the Center’s Facebook page:

Your Workshop Leaders

Aaron Armer is a 23-year-old whose advocacy is focused on decolonizing internalized messages of white supremacy and they believe we have to be just as committed in dispelling stigmas surrounding Black, Brown, and queer communities as society is at perpetuating narratives that cause harm to our strong already very vulnerable communities. They want to re envision a world where those who are most marginalized have sufficient resources, legislation and love allocated to protecting their livelihood.

Elizah Claborne, Bay Area native has dedicated over a decade working and Advocating for the Black Transwomen community starting in San Francisco CA under the leadership of Min. Bobby Jean Baker where she helped with founding Sister Kin and facilitating other groups geared towards Black Transwomen in San Francisco in 2014 Elizah moved to Sacramento only to find that there was no place for Black Transwomen to thrive or have a safe space to come and have community but she knew the need was there in 2018 Elizah started working at the Sacramento LGBT center and the first thing she did was create a group for Black and brown Transwomen Called Melanin Movement and later she founded Sacramento’s very first Trans Family day,Trans Youth is also a great importance to Elizah and she hopes to one have a transitional Housing Program for Black Transwomen ages 18-24 to help them navigate through life providing Mental health, Education, Job readiness skills to become self Sufficient.

2022-02-14T12:05:55-07:00By |Uncategorized|