Northern California has recently been hit with severe winter January storms. As a result, many folks are looking for resources and tips to help prepare, respond, and recover to storm damage and floods. Here are some tips to follow:
- Be aware of your risk. Know whether your home is in a flood zone and what flooding is likely.
- Be prepared. Make a flood emergency kit or stay box. This includes a list of important phone numbers, medication, a flashlight, batteries, and a radio.
- If your area is flooding, tune into the local county and city news to stay informed. Always evacuate if you are directed to do so. Time is essential; help may not get to you later if you stay home.
- Do not drive through a flooded street. Six inches of water can stall or float most cars. If you can’t drive out, try to find the highest area in your home or building.
- Make an evacuation plan. If your community is flooding, you may be unable to drive your usual routes.
- Make a plan to communicate with neighbors, friends, and loved ones if you should leave home.
- Check into the national flood insurance program. Specific policies won’t always cover these types of incidents.
- Sign up for local alerts at calalerts.org.
For more information on resources, emergency shelters, flood maps, and more visit the links below:
Resources & Guides: https://www.listoscalifornia.org/resources/
Sign Up For Alerts: https://calalerts.org/
Real-Time Flood Map: https://cnrfc.noaa.gov/
CalHHS Emergency Resource Guide: https://www.chhs.ca.gov/blog/2023/01/04/calhhs-emergency-resource-guide/