Center Stories

/Center Stories/

The Swearing in of Gavin Newsom Places Youth, LGBTQ+ into the Forefront

Gavin Newsom was sworn in Monday as California’s 40th governor and he specifically highlighted the need to improve the lives of our youth, our folks experiencing homelessness and the LGBTQ+ community. “So 15 years ago, when I was a new mayor and I heard politicians in Washington sneering at [...]

2019-01-08T12:42:33-08:00By |Blogs, Human Rights, LGBT History|

Let’s Get Mari to Creating Change!

My name is Mari Wrobi (They/Them/Theirs). I’m a 21-year old student at California State University, Sacramento. I’m a queer, trans and intersex person of color involved in the queer community in Sacramento through The Sacramento LGBT Community Center, the Gender Health Center, and the PRIDE Center at CSUS. Creating [...]

What we can learn from Kevin Hart stepping down as Oscars host

Here at the Sacramento LGBT Community Center or mission is to create a region where LGBTQ people thrive, and part of that is rooted in the people that get the spotlight, recognition and media attention.   In this age of YouTube and various social media channels, we have all learned [...]

2019-01-02T14:02:49-08:00By |Blogs, LGBT Events|

This is the 30th Anniversary of World AIDS Day

Informed is the Perfect Way to Be  By Alexis Dailey The Sacramento LGBT Community Center is built on our mission statement which reads:  “The Sacramento LGBT Community Center works to create a region where LGBTQ people thrive. We support the health and wellness of the most marginalized, advocate for equality and justice, [...]

2019-01-02T14:09:18-08:00By |Blogs|

We Ask for Fair Treatment for LGBTQ+ Asylum Seekers

We at the Sacramento LGBT Community Center, join our fellow LGBTQ+ Centers to ask for fair and affirming care of asylum-seekers. Across the United States, people of all backgrounds are reacting with outrage in light of the Administration’s announcement that people who attempt to seek asylum outside of ports [...]

2018-11-16T12:29:45-08:00By |Blogs, Human Rights|

Transgender Awareness Week: Being a Better Ally

As we head into Transgender Awareness Week, it is critical that the entire LGBQ+ community commit to becoming better allies for our transgender family. We must hold ourselves to the highest standards and be the advocates of change so that the burden doesn't fall solely on the shoulders of [...]

2018-11-09T11:18:35-08:00By |Blogs, Human Rights, Resources|

Intersex Awareness Day Carries Greater Impact Post Trump Gender Memo

This past Sunday morning, many in our community awoke to the news that the Trump administration was planning changes to federal civil rights laws that would define sex “as either male or female, unchangeable, and determined by the genitals a person is born with,” and that any confusion would [...]

2018-10-25T15:45:49-07:00By |Blogs, Human Rights, LGBT History|