

Our Next Steps to Support Racial Justice

Dear Center Community: Like many other organizations, The Sacramento LGBT Community Center shares the unprecedented challenges and disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which magnifies the impact of systemic racism on the health and wellness of the communities we serve. We joined the calls for action that the murders [...]

2021-01-08T08:57:11-08:00By |Uncategorized|

Trans Day of Remembrance – Honoring Our Trans and Non-Binary Siblings

On Trans Day of Remembrance (TDOR) we remember and honor our trans and non-binary siblings who have been killed at the hands of transphobic and transmisogynistic violence. In 2020, over 350 trans and non-binary folx have been killed around the world, with the large majority being Black and Brown trans women. Within the United States, there have been at least 33 documented cases of trans and non-binary folx [...]

2021-01-08T08:59:55-08:00By |Uncategorized|

Welcome Our New Leadership Staff to the Center!

The Sacramento LGBT Community Center has grown to more than 40 staff and is strategically expanding its leadership team to enhance service for clients, community members, and supporters of the organization. The Center hired Valerie Mayweather in as the Grants & Sustainability Manager, which will expand the organization’s program [...]

2021-01-08T08:53:28-08:00By |Uncategorized|

The deadline to complete the 2020 Census is September 30!

Did you know the new Census deadline is September 30?! We must achieve an accurate 2020 Census count by September 30 to help protect the wellbeing of our LGBTQ+ communities! A complete Census will help ensure we have the data we need to provide funding for many health and wellness programs [...]

2020-09-18T16:29:35-07:00By |Uncategorized|

Sacramento LGBT Community Center Celebrates Leaders in the Community at Annual Pride Awards Gala

The Sacramento LGBT Community Center’s annual Pride Awards Gala recognizes individuals and organizations whose compassion, generosity and community service create a safer, more welcoming, collaborative, and just community. Award recipients demonstrate their pride through both their work and in the way they live their lives every day. “The leaders [...]

2020-07-16T16:31:28-07:00By |Uncategorized|

The Sacramento LGBT Community Center’s Sac Pride event brought together thousands to virtually celebrate the LGBTQ+ community.

The Sacramento LGBT Community Center, one of the region’s largest LGBTQ+ nonprofits, held its first virtual Sacramento Pride event last week. Due to COVID-19, organizers decided to move forward with an online event in an effort to help celebrate their community during difficult times. Additionally, in support of the [...]

2020-06-29T20:17:27-07:00By |Uncategorized|

SCOTUS Rules to Protect LGBTQ+ Rights in the Workplace

Dear Community:  At a time of national demonstrations in support of Black lives and against systemic racism and during a national health crisis, it is heartening to receive good news from the U.S. Supreme Court. The Title VII decision, announced on June 15, affirms that all Americans should be treated equally under the law. The Supreme Court ruled that employers do not have a [...]

2020-06-16T10:56:59-07:00By |Uncategorized|