Our statement on Goldfield Trading Post Hosting Adam Calhoun and Demun Jones

/, LGBT Events/Our statement on Goldfield Trading Post Hosting Adam Calhoun and Demun Jones

Our statement on Goldfield Trading Post Hosting Adam Calhoun and Demun Jones

As Sacramento is preparing to honor the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots and celebrate SacPride the beautiful intersection of people striving for equity of all people, a different group is lifting divisive and hateful voices just blocks away from Lavender Heights on the very same weekend.
Goldfields Trading Post has booked the openly racist and homophobic rappers Adam Calhoun and Demun Jones to perform on June 7th and 8th, overlapping Pride celebrations, to apparently a sold-out crowd.
It is disheartening to know that local establishments would like to profit and support the content that this musical duo spew in their racist, homophobic, misogynistic, and xenophobic lyrics at all, let alone during the SacPride weekend celebration.
Some in our community are concerned about attendees of this show at Goldfields possibly risking the safety of Pride parties nearby in the Lavender Heights district and as well as the official SacPride festivities. We also understand and support those in the community that have voiced interested in protesting the event. [You can find the Facebook event organizing the protest here!]
With safety as a number one priority, the Sacramento Pride and Sacramento LGBT Community Center staff and volunteers are updating their safety plan to anticipate and deescalate any situations that may spill over into the actual SacPride festivities.
While folks have every right to create and support any music they want, we rest a little bit easier knowing that more than 22,000 people are choosing to uplift and support local, queer, inclusive and supportive artists at Capitol Mall over the minority of folks who are attending the Adam Calhoun and Demun Jones shows.
Folks looking to vote with their dollars can turn to organizations such as The Snug, who is creating a Pride cocktail for June 7-8 where the proceeds benefit the Sacramento LGBT Center.

2019-05-29T08:07:14-08:00By |Human Rights, LGBT Events|