Double the impact of your gift today. Don’t delay!

//Double the impact of your gift today. Don’t delay!

    Double the impact of your gift today. Don’t delay!

    Earlier this month we asked the community to raise $20,000 on #GivingTuesday to launch our year-end campaign and close our budget gap. Thank you for stepping up to meet our community’s growing needs! As you may know, we opened our new Short-Term Emergency Placement (S.T.E.P.) house in July and since then we have seen an additional 115 requests for housing and currently have 28 community members on our wait listWe’re committed to serving our most vulnerable and helping them thrive through housing, case management, and empowerment programs. But we need your help!

    To help us achieve our goal, the John Ford Linker Family Estate has agreed to match your gift, dollar-for-dollar, up to $125,000 until December 31. Double the impact of your gift today. Don’t delay!

    Our community needs to feel supported and cared for by us. Which gift will you choose this year?

    • $25 becomes $50 and provides a new change of clothes and one day’s worth of food for those who walk up our steps
    • $50 becomes $100 and houses one youth for three days in a safe and affirming place equipped with utilities, a bed, and amenities
    • $125 becomes $250 and offers case management and mentoring to three youth looking for renewed hope this upcoming year
    • $250 becomes $500 and covers a month of transportation expenses for four youth so that they may pursue educational and workforce endeavors

    No matter what you choose, we hope you’ll Get Centered this year so we can continue building a region where LGBTQ people are not only safe and welcome, but thriving. Remember, your gift will be doubled! 

    We have a history making opportunity this year and we know we can count on you.  Thank you for being an advocate and standing with the LGBTQ community this holiday season!

    2019-12-19T16:33:34-08:00By |Uncategorized|
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