
/Tag: transgender

Where is Lavender Heights? Look for the new banners!

You may have noticed that Lavender Heights got a nice surprise Thursday morning!  As part of a partnership between the Midtown Association and Sacramento Rainbow Chamber of Commerce & Foundation, 10 vibrant new banners are on proud display on 20th street between [...]

2022-02-11T14:10:57-07:00By |Uncategorized|

Join our LGBTQ+ Townhall: Sac PD Interactions with TGNC Community

In 2019, stakeholders came together to develop a standard for police interactions with transgender and gender nonconforming community members. We’re now looking for community input on the policy as we work with the City of Sacramento Community Police Review Commission and other community organizations to have this policy adopted [...]

The National Trans Visibility March is Coming to Sacramento

a a The National Trans Visibility March is Coming to Sacramento Sacramento chosen as one of five host cities for National march for Trans and Non-Binary visibility. Sacramento, CA – Sacramento has been named one of five host cities for this year’s National Trans Visibility March (NTVM) scheduled for October 9, 2021. In its third year of advancing the rights of [...]

Trans Day of Visibility 2019

This Sunday marks the 11th annual Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV).   The International TDOV is an annual holiday celebrated around the world. The day is dedicated to celebrating the accomplishments and victories of transgender & gender non-conforming people while raising awareness of the work that is still needed to save trans lives.   To commemorate the [...]

2019-03-29T15:34:08-07:00By |Blogs, Human Rights|

Transgender Awareness Week: Being a Better Ally

As we head into Transgender Awareness Week, it is critical that the entire LGBQ+ community commit to becoming better allies for our transgender family. We must hold ourselves to the highest standards and be the advocates of change so that the burden doesn't fall solely on the shoulders of [...]

2018-11-09T11:18:35-07:00By |Blogs, Human Rights, Resources|

Intersex Awareness Day Carries Greater Impact Post Trump Gender Memo

This past Sunday morning, many in our community awoke to the news that the Trump administration was planning changes to federal civil rights laws that would define sex “as either male or female, unchangeable, and determined by the genitals a person is born with,” and that any confusion would [...]

2018-10-25T15:45:49-07:00By |Blogs, Human Rights, LGBT History|

Coming Out is a Journey, Not a Destination

It comes as a shock to many when they hear that coming out as LGBTQ is still hard and traumatic for many people, even today. Many are led to believe that the advances in equality and queer visibility have erased the othering feeling and fear that many folks have about living in [...]

2018-10-10T13:24:34-07:00By |Blogs, Resources|