Why ‘Spirit Day’ is important

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Why ‘Spirit Day’ is important

This is the eighth annual Spirit Day, which was created as a way to show support for LGBTQ+ youth and take a stand against bullying.

This month is both National Bullying Prevention Month, and LGBT History Month, so this day is a time to really take time and discuss with your friends, family and coworkers about how bullying isn’t harmless, in fact, too often it leads to physical, mental and emotional pain and even death. GLSEN reported that more than 85% of LGBTQ students have been verbally harassed and nearly half all LGBTQ students have experienced cyberbullying. 

And this isn’t just a case of kids being kids, adults are just as guilty of bullying LGBTQ students.

Did you know that 63.5% of LGBTQ students report hearing homophobic remarks from teachers and staff because of their gender expression?

So, we hope you join us today in taking the pledge, sharing our stories, donating what we can, and making our stance on anti-bullying as clear and visible as possible.

Here is how you can help!

Pledge to stand up against bullying.

  • This means speaking up, even when it is uncomfortable.
  • Teaching your children, family and friends how to lead with compassion.
  • Letting others around you know that you are a safe person that will always protect them.

Share your story

  • Tell others how bullying impacted your life or the life of someone close to you
  • Join the #SpiritDay conversation online and raise awareness around #LGBTQ bullying
  • Educate your work and personal circles how to create safer environments for us all

Donate to youth programs

  • 57.6% of LGBTQ students feel unsafe at school
  • This is why we created the QSpot and our youth programs
  • Become a monthly donor and support our effort to create a safe space for LGBTQ kids
  • Start a Facebook fundraiser and get your loved ones to join in on raising awareness

Spirit Day is more than today

  • Wear purple and change your profile pic to support #SpiritDay with a custom Facebook frame
  • We love to see you in purple, but there’s more to do
  • Volunteer to work with the youth at the Center
  • Find out if your school has a GSA (Gay Straight Alliance)
  • Talk with students about bullying year round